Thursday, June 19, 2008

here today gone tomorrow.

I arrived back to the Nye Tuesday, after spending Father's day weekend in the smoky foothills of Butte. Everything appeared normal, pure bliss surrounding me. I went to feed the llamas as usual and I sensed something was outta balance. I counted the llamas. Four. interesting, considering baby number 5 was just born a couple weeks back. Scanned the llama pasture, uh oh. I saw something in the distance but could not tell if it was alive or dead. I grabbed my camera and then noticed a vulture on the fence near the unidentified object. No bueno. I approached to find the feathered remains of the newborn llama. Vultures had likely been at it 3-4 days. I buried it and planted a pine tree on of top of it. A shore pine. Pinus Contorta.

The llama never had a true name, but it does now. I'm gonna call it Ghost now because of its obvious ghostly appearance. Thats also the first name I called it jokingly, and the last. Cause of death: UNKNOWN.

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